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GDG Professionals in İB Club annual assembly


GDG Professionals in İB Club annual assembly

On April 6, 2013 IB Club conducted its next annual assembly with participation of more than 500 members of young generation. 10 well known professionals, as well as GDG Professionals Director Gulzar Guliyeva were invited to the event called “Feelings”.  From the first moment of her speech Gulzar Guliyeva arouse interest of audience and managed to keep it till the end. To bring a more comprehensive explanation to the expressed ideas she used visual means, as a piece of iron and magnet.  She devoted attention of the audience to the comparison of these means (simple iron and magnetized iron) by attributing these differences to people, comparing self-confident, goal aimed people with people not possessing these qualities and stressed the negative influence of fear to the development of human being.

At the end of her speech Gulzar Guliyeva was granted honorary membership card by the founders.    




GDG Professionals in İB Club annual assembly

GDG Professionals in İB Club annual assembly

GDG Professionals in İB Club annual assembly

GDG Professionals in İB Club annual assembly 


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