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Management training is about how managers mobilize others to want to get extraordinary things done in organizations. It is about the practices managers use to transform values into actions, visions into realities, obstacles into innovations, separateness into solidarity and risks into rewards. This training is about management that creates the climate in which people turn challenging opportunities into remarkable successes.

 Whether you are in the private sector or public, an employee or a volunteer, on the front line or senior echelon, a student or a parent, we have designed this training to help you develop your capacity to guide others to places they have never been before. We believe you are capable of developing yourself as a manager far more than tradition has ever assumed possible.

 Program Objectives

By attending our Management training participants will:


  • Identify difference in task and relationship types of management
  • Recognize their strengths and growth opportunities as managers
  • Recognize styles of management
  • Get acquainted with decision making and problem solving techniques
  • Learn how to create healthy working atmosphere
  • Know employee types and the way to manage them
  • How to delegate work between employees


Who will benefit

Anyone who is interested in becoming professional manager by improving and developing knowledge, abilities, in defining individual management type adding value to company and maintaining it to reach established goals.


Program Details

GDG Professionals has its own unique approaches and professional methods to make training materials easily understood by participants,to strengthen the training effects in participants’ memories/minds in a way that it contributes to the efficiency of performance and add more value to the company.

Our professional trainers also consider learning types of participants and adapt the training accordingly.

Methods used in training (brainstorming, discussions in groups, videotaping, case-studies) are interactive and organized in the way that participants share their thoughts, discuss/analyze them.

Training duration: 3 days

Begins: 9:00

1.Cofee break: 10:00-10:15

2.Cofee break: 11:30-11:45


In case of corporate orders (all or most participants are from one company) hours are flexible i.e., may start second part of the day.

Location offered

GDG Professionals office: Baku, Nobel ave 15, Azure business center, 9th floor, 50 office

Client’s  office (if suggested by client)



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