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5 performance management tactics to boost employee engagement

Isn’t performance management about driving relentlessly for results while engagement strives to humanise that and keep employees motivated? It is true that engagement and performance can be seen as standalone programs, but if we take a moment to look at them together we can see how naturally good performance management can create engagement.

This research by award-winning talent management vendor Halogen Software and industry expert David Creelman,  CEO of Creelman Research, takes a closer look at performance management and describes five ways organisations  can implement a best-practice process that can drive higher employee engagement.

Creelman identifies five elements that are usually found in engagement measures and goes on to explore the relationship between these elements and the performance management process.

1. CLARITY: Are you clear about goals?

2. SUPPORT: Do you have the support you need to reach your objectives?

3. FIT: Does your job match your skill set?

4. FEEDBACK: Do you regularly get useful feedback?

5. DEVELOPMENT: Are you given opportunities to develop?

The paper also highlights how two organisations, Howard Regional Health System and Campus Management Corporation, are using Halogen Software’s talent management solutions to improve their employee appraisal processes and build engagement.


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