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  • recruitment conference

    November 21, 2016 @ 05:45|0 Comments

    Future of hiring outlined at CIPD recruitment conference The future of recruitment lies in hiring for ‘predicted performance in role’ rather than judging a candidate on past skills or competencies, delegates at the CIPD’s recruitment conference heard yesterday. But to do this HR needs to radically shift its thinking around how it assesses candidates and embrace online gaming or ‘gamification’, one speaker said. “The trouble with assessing candidates on their past experience is that it’s not a predictor of future success. It will only tell you how good they were, not give you an idea of how th...

    November 03, 2016 @ 07:08|0 Comments

    Today in our busy lives we might focus on our physical health but totally neglect our brain fitness. Our brain is responsible for not only undertaking our mental tasks but also helps us carry out physical functions and for that a healthy brain is a prerequisite. Approximately there are 1.1 trillion cells and 100 billion neurons in an average human brain. The slowest information processing speed of a brain is 260 mph. A brain thinks 70,000 thoughts in a day out of which most of them are repeated over and over again, so when the next time you think something take some time to think about you...
  • People Management

    September 28, 2016 @ 06:34|0 Comments

    ‘Leading through fear creates a lying culture’, warns expert Ninety-two per cent of HR professionals think they are lied to every week, according to an exclusive survey by People Management. In PM’s online poll of 820 HR people, almost a third believed that they were being told more lies than two or three years ago, while staff in sectors such as travel and construction were flagged as the least trustworthy.Survey responses suggest that people working in the travel and leisure sector are the most likely to tell a fib: 29.7 per cent said these professionals tell more than 11 lies a week. Empl...
  • Stress

    September 04, 2016 @ 20:05|0 Comments

    Could leaders who neglect their own emotional health be partly responsible for increasing stress in the workplace? How Leaders Stay Rooted in an Uncertain World, says the nature of work today continues to ratchet up stress levels in today’s organizations. “It’s much harder to live a balanced life now because of business uncertainty, the speed of everything, there’s more scrutiny and distrust in the workplace, competition is greater and the world is interconnected,” “All these winds of change are affecting the stress of employees and their leaders, and if employees are stressed, it’s going to ...
  • Strategic Planning

    August 12, 2016 @ 08:09|0 Comments

    Traditionally, Strategic Planning omits the step of innovative thinking that is so critical to business success. Strategic Thinking is a more comprehensive planning model that covers innovation, strategic planning and operational planning. Introduction What is Strategic Thinking? Why is Strategic Thinking Important? The Strategic Thinking Process Conclusion Introduction Strategy has never been more challenging, or more important, than in today's environment of global competition, in which, corporate strategies must transcend the borders of nations and markets. Too many organizations ...

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