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  • İnteresting facts about HR

    September 30, 2015 @ 04:28|0 Comments

    First idea of labor and human resources organization have been brought by an American Frederick Taylor at the end of 19th century. He saw the inefficiency of labor in the workshops, which encouraged him to investigate the time needed for work. He believed that work conditions need to be such so they enable cooperation between workers and managers in order to increase productivity. Thereof he has not overlooked that, in such case, the worker must be stimulated to increase productivity. His ideas can be summarized in four basic principles: Work design, Workers selection and education, Workers ...
  • what makes a good leader?

    August 10, 2015 @ 08:07|0 Comments

    The study of leadership goes back as far as Plato - and still it continues to intrigue psychologists, but what makes a good leader? Around me were bosses from around the world - from Nigeria to the United Arab Emirates. We were all attending the leadership development programme at the London Management Centre and grappling with the question - are leaders born or made? The leadership business is a massive money-spinner - a multi-million pound industry. But I had arrived for my course with a healthy dose of scepticism. "Don’t some of the attendees just go along for a jolly?" I asked our trainer....
  • What makes a great finance director or CFO?

    June 05, 2015 @ 07:43|0 Comments

    What makes a great finance director or CFO? There are three simple rules, says one of the UK's top CFOs and the chairman of the Hundred Group of FTSE CFOs. What makes a great finance director or CFO? Be Honest. Be Right Be Lucky It really is that simple. These work whether you’re dealing with investors, clients, internal customers within your organisation or your own colleagues and staff. Be honest First tip: your greatest asset is your personal credibility. That will travel with you, no matter who you’re working for. Lose it, and you render yourself valueless. The only real way to maint...
  • Seven ways to keep your job

    March 13, 2015 @ 06:22|0 Comments

    I’m often asked what you can do to keep your job. And with 2.5 million unemployed people in the UK, it’s a topic never from everybody’s thoughts. The current state of the economy doesn’t help – but some people lose their jobs due to factors that are completely within their control. Having worked in industries as varied as manufacturing and banking, and in both the public and private sectors, here are my seven secrets of job security. 1. Keep your skills and knowledge up to dateWith change now a global certainty, being up to date in your skills and knowledge is no longer an advantage, it’s ...
  • How does performance management work?

    January 07, 2015 @ 08:49|0 Comments

    Because performance management is (or should be) so all-pervasive, it needs structures to support it. These should provide a framework to help people operate, and to help them to help others to operate. But it should not be a rigid system; there needs to be a reasonable degree of flexibility to allow people freedom to operate. Performance management is a process, not an event. It operates as a continuous cycle. Corporate strategic goals provide the starting point for business and departmental goals, followed by agreement on performance and development, leading to the drawing up of plans betwe...

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